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Finance Committee

The Finance Committe attempts to develop within our people a true sense of Christian Stewardship, which should be the practice of systematic and proportionate giving of time, abilities, and material possessions, based on the conviction that these are a trust from God. The committee is to acquaint our people with the World Service Program of the United Methodist Church, the Benevolence Program of the Conference, and the entire program of the local church. The committee shall oversee the work of the Financial Secretary, all Treasurers of the church, and keep the Administrative Council aware of the financial conditions of the church. 

The Finance Committee is charged with the responsibility of submitting the budget to the Administrative Council or review and adoption. The Finance Committee shall also be charged with the responsibility for developing and implementing plans which will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the Administrative Council. It shall also administer the funds received according to instructions from the Administrative Board. The Committee is also responsible for making provisions for an annual audit of the records of financial officers of the local church and all its organizations, reporting the audit to the Charge Conference. 


The Finance Committee meets every 4th Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

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